Abundance And Prosperity Scriptures For Every One

By Zoe Smith

Have you ever thought about your personal prosperity in terms of how God sees it? I mean, do you think God wants you to be rich in your finances and health? Your view on this plays an integral part on how you live your life. Be at rest friend because God wants to see you walk in abundance and prosperity. The Old and New Testament in the Bible have many prosperity scriptures that attest to this fact.

Set apart people for God have been known to enjoy Gods unmerited favor and grace in terms of their possessions and reputation. Consider Abraham. He is the father of Faith even before the concept of faith was ever established properly. He was so prosperous with livestock and servants that the land could not support both him and his nephew, Lot and they had to separate. Sarah, his wife could still leave princes and kings with their mouths hanging open at her beauty. She was ninety years old. That is divine abundance.

Joseph the dreamer as he was called, was a favorite of God. Yet you wouldn't know by reading the first part of his life. He was sold to slavery at the hands of his brothers, wrongfully accused by the mistress of the household he was faithfully serving under, and forgotten by an inmate he helped while they were in prison. It seemed to go from bad to worse. Does this sound familiar? Have you been betrayed and forgotten by those you loved, helped and trusted? Take heart, God never forgot you. He is standing by and He will deliver. Joseph ended up prime minister to Pharaoh, not bad for a dreamer.

But you think, that was the Old Testament, and all Gods divine actors seem to be only about one race of people that has nothing to do with today's world. That's not true. Study the New Testament books in greater detail. You will find that Abraham is known to be the father of Faith and if you have faith--you too can partake of this promise. That's right. The promise stated in Genesis 12:2-3,'I will bless you and make your name great; I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.'--this is yours if you believe.

People say that God espouses poverty and points to select Bible verses to prove their point. This cannot be true because there are many scriptures that show God rewarding His faithful people with prosperity and promises of abundance."Chronicles 22:13 If you obey the laws and teachings that the LORD gave Moses, you will be successful. Be strong and brave and don't get discouraged or be afraid of anything. Mark 10:29-39 'I tell you the truth', Jesus replied, 'no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields-and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.'

Prosperity scriptures come with the loving, sometimes firm warning of exercising wisdom in the blessings you receive. It makes sense now doesn't it? God wants you to prosper but He wants you to use it well because He cares not only of your physical needs, but your souls as well. Jesus said, 'A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.'-- It's a promise worth finding out don't you think?

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Going Beyond Positive Thinking And Into the Reality Of Abundance

By Zoe Smith

How many people in the world are so desperate for abundance and change that they will do almost anything for it? Many times they feel sad because they think that they cannot attain their goals because they do not have the necessary qualifications for it. Do you want to know a secret? You only need one qualification to get the life you want and that is being a human being.

By virtue that you were created in the world as a human being-you have in you the power and ability to create the reality you want. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not.

The problem sometimes lies in that these sincere and well-meaning programs are sometimes inaccurate; therefore success is not always guaranteed. One must push beyond positive thinking to manifest the dream they have in their hearts.

What do you want? Decide on it and hold an image of it on the screen of your mind. Keep meditating on it and stir up the excitement in you about it as you go along. Positive meditations for manifesting are all the more potent when you involve your whole heart in it. When you choose to desire something good to happen, then you will be committed to seeing it manifest and the universe is compelled to respond according to the vibrations you are transmitting.

You have probably heard about the infamous law of attraction. It is an effective principle that works in line with the law of vibration. How can we work the law of vibration?

Understand that before the law of attraction, there is the law of vibration. This means that the thoughts and emotions that you are putting out are actually vibrations-energy that is transmitted from the inside of you to the outside world. The vibrations then look for the things that it is in harmony with. For instance you want to be prosperous. As you keep dwelling on positive thoughts concerning these, opportunities to build your wealth will inevitably be drawn to you.

Knowing what you know about meditations for manifesting, you must remember that you need to be a good steward of the things you wished for when they do come to pass. Do whatever it is for it to multiply, be fruitful and bless other people as well. If it is obtaining a great job, then be a good worker. If you desired enduring and wonderful relationships-be the best person you can be to the people in your life.

Now you have the secret of successful people-going beyond positive thinking and into creating the reality you want. Follow these life changing points and live life in all its fullness today!

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Study Smart: Beat Procrastination And Improve Your Study Habits

By Lachlan Haynes

Are you a procrastinator? Do you like to sleep in, half-complete tasks and leave everything to the last minute? Well join the club! 94% of people worldwide are in the same boat as you. And 94% of people also love saying the following four words: "I'll do it tomorrow". We say these words to ourselves knowing that an assessment date draws closer and closer or the list of chores gets bigger and bigger, but we just keep on saying it anyway! Unfortunately, this doesn't help us in the slightest because it results in well, nothing! And that's the point, nothing is getting done.

Unfortunately, tomorrow doesn't literally mean "tomorrow", it actually means "never". But in the now, nothing can stop you "tomorrow", because "tomorrow" is the first day of the rest of your life, tomorrow you can do anything! Tomorrow you are committed, strong and determined and the world is a different place, a place where you work so hard and fast that you complete everything in mere minutes let alone hours (in your mind anyway). But when that doesn't happen you think, "But tomorrow it will happen! Tomorrow I will be strong!" Do you notice the delusion that is happening here?

Do You See The Problem?

Tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes and you just keep thinking, "Well maybe tomorrow I will do the work!" One day makes no difference anyway does it? Each day you face the same dilemma and each day you make a decision that tomorrow is the best option.

The 'truth' in all of this is simply that postponing anything for a day or two isn't really that big of a deal at all - so don't fret if that's all you do in this situation. The big problem is when one day becomes two days, two days becomes four days, four days becomes a week, one week becomes a fortnight, a fortnight becomes a month and then a month becomes a year. This trend can literally last forever. Unless of course your exam is today and you didn't study! Then procrastination isn't your issue anymore anyway - your bleak future after failing is! Also figuring out who to blame will be another thing you will need to work out.

Get Ahead Of The Game

First of all, don't beat yourself up, you're human after all. We're flawed. That's life. If we weren't you wouldn't be reading this. Everything will be OK! We promise. In fact, most people are just like you - so you are actually 'normal' (if there is such a thing). So please drop any guilt you may feel about it right now because it really won't help you - it will only make you feel sorry for yourself. And feeling sorry for yourself is not the way to deal with procrastination.

Instead, just take a moment and think about it. Think about what the payoff is for you. Think about what it is that reinforces why you should procrastinate. There has to be a payoff. No-one does anything they don't want to do without a payoff being involved. So what's yours? Is it because you don't like being told what to do? It is because you want to be in control - even if that means failing? Is it because you fear what your friends will think if you get your work done and act like a good student? Is it because you think it will be too hard? Is it because you don't know where to start and are hoping someone will help you? What is making you believe procrastinating is a desirable action? Think hard here. What could it be?

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A Comprehensive 500 Calorie Diet Plan

Nowadays, people are extremely conscious about their physical condition and health. That is why they are adopting different dieting plans in order to get the smart and attractive body. The need of calories for every person depends on the different factors such as activity level, age and weight. However, in general a dieting man need about 1,700 to 2,000 calories per day and a dieting woman need about 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day to support basic functions of the body.
So, when it comes to 500 calorie diet you can easily imagine that how little amount of food you have to eat when you are working out with 500 calorie diet plan. It is very important to know that you should have to reduce the calorie intake gradually, because, suddenly reducing the calorie level at such low figure can become the cause of some serious health issues. You can start this by simply minimizing the intake of simple saturated acids and carbohydrates. Following is a 500 calorie diet plan for you.
As we all know that we must have to start our day with healthy and heavy breakfast, but in a 500 calorie diet plan you cannot do this. When you are working on this diet plan then different decaffeinated teas like green tea, chamomile and red clover are quite useful to achieve this goal. A cup of skimmed milk is also a very good option. If you are a person who is addicted to the regular tea and cannot start a day without drinking it then add some stevia or saccharin in it. You can also eat some citrus fruits in the breakfast like grapefruits, oranges etc. because they contain very low amount of calories.
No breads, brown rice or tortillas for lunch! You can only take a bowl of soup which is made up of some green leafy vegetables. It is important to include only vegetables which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Squash, cabbage, yam, broccoli, chickpeas and peas are the ideal vegetables for the lunch menu of 500 calorie diet. If your heart is craving for the meat then you can eat some boiled fish or chicken without adding oil and salt in it. The quantity of protein which is required for your body can be easily sufficed with the help of these low-calorie foods. You can also eat some salads which are made from the raw vegetables.
For your dinner you can follow the same menu. Each and every 500 calorie diet recipe prepared from the oil that does not contain any kind of saturated fatty acids. The best oils for this particular diet plan are olive oil and horseradish oil. You should take some soups which are made from the black beans, pulses and zucchini, during dinner. Seafood like sardines, salmon, or tuna and baked vegetables are also good for the dinner, because these zero calorie foods have the ability to satisfy your hunger.
So that is the 500 calorie diet plan. You may feel very hungry and uncomfortable if you start this plan immediately. Therefore, initially, with the help of low-calorie food you can reduce the amount of calories to 900 per day and then you can gradually reduce this amount to the desired level that is 500 calories per day. Now let us talk about some pros and cons of the 500 calorie diet plan.
Pros of 500 Calorie Diet Plan
1. Quick Weight Loss - Obviously the biggest benefit of this diet plan is the quick weight loss. Actually, this is considered as one of the fastest ways of weight loss. Without doing any kind of exercise you can reduce about 3 to 5 pounds weekly with the help this plan.
2. Cheap - The 500 calorie diet is the cheapest way to lose your weight. Because you just need 500 calories per day.
3. More Energy - You can easily notice that after a heavy breakfast, your body become little sluggish. The reason behind it is your body has to work hard in order to burn it off. By adopting 500 calories your body does not have to burn a lot of calories, therefore, you can stay fresh and awake.
Cons of 500 Calorie Diet Plan
1. Hunger - Most of the people feel hungry throughout the day when they start to work on this plan, and it is the biggest con of this low-calorie diet plan. Make sure that you eat a lot of vegetables, if you want to feel better.
2. Health Risks - Sometimes these diet plans become very risky and can become the cause of some serious health issues like hair loss, kidney stones etc.
3. No Eating Out with Family & Friends -You cannot go out for the lunch or dinner with your family when you are following a 500 calorie diet plan.


Diet Ways

An effective diet is one in which the sole focus is not about losing weight by any means possible. Rather, it is one in which there is a focus on a slow but steady improvement in a person's dietary habits. Starvation or excessive exercise is not the ideal way to lose weight, and this is something that experts also back. The basis of all weight loss is in calories, and the calories taken in versus the calories burnt have the final say when it comes to losing weight.
In this article, a list of 4 of the most effective diet plans has been compiled. These diet plans are easy to follow and aim to make a person's diet all that more balanced. Here they are:
1. Slim Fast Diet:
The Slim Fast diet has evolved from just a range of diet shakes to snacks, soups and pasta. It is based on the concept of replacing meals in order to lose weight. The diet focuses on a balanced intake of lean meats, healthy carbohydrates, and the proper kind of fats. It comes together with an exercise program and a support system that not only provides expert advice, but also helps motivate dieters. A single meal compromising of 500 calories should be had daily in addition with fruits, vegetables, and the company's own line of shakes. The website of this diet proclaims that people who follow this diet correctly can lose up to 10% of their body weight in the first 6 months only. This goal can be achieved at a rate of 1 or 2 pounds lost every week.
2. Dash Diet:
Short form for the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, the diet focuses on foods that are low in fats. These foods include vegetables, fruits, fish, less fat dairy products, and whole grains. Great emphasis is placed on these foods because a study in 1997 showed that consuming such foods can dramatically lower the chances of acquiring high blood pressure, and in turn reduces the probability of contracting heart diseases. The diet also proposes cutting on red meat and sugary products, and increasing the amount of potassium consumed. Foods such as leafy greens, bananas, avocados, and brown rice are highly recommended. All in all, the DASH diet has a total consumption of 2000 calories per day.
3. Weight Watchers:
The largest commercial weight loss program in the world, the Weight Watchers diet focuses on portion and calorie control. However, the diet does not go for any special kinds of foods and instead focuses on consuming regular foods combined with exercise and changes in behavior. The diet is based on a points system which it allots to dieters. However, there is a new system in place called the Points Plus system. Although not that different from the old points based system, the new one tries to get dieters to maximize the effects of their allotted points by consuming healthier foods such as whole grains, lean meats, fruits, vegetables and less fat dairy products. These foods also have a lower amount of points allotted to them so that a person can eat more of them without closing in on the points limit. If dieters follow the diet effectively, then a body mass index of 20 to 25 is guaranteed.
4. The Zone Diet:
This diet focuses more on than just losing weight. Rather, it tries to boost the metabolic capabilities of the body by proposing a diet that is 30% of fat, 30% of protein, and 40% of carbohydrates. Dieters should get the recommended amounts of carbohydrates from the consumption of fruits and vegetables, while the protein intake can be had from consuming palm sized portions of protein with every meal. People in favor of the diet say that it helps curb high blood pressure and also acts as a preventative measure against diabetes. The diet also recommends the consumption of egg whites and low fat dairy product.
For more information about how to balance your diet and stay healthy please visit http://www.diethive.com.


Lap Band Surgery: Helping Patients To Get Rid Of Their Excess Weight

A laparoscopic adjustable band otherwise called lap band is an inflatable silicone device that is wrapped around the top portion of the stomach. It is intended to slow down the consumption of foods and thus the amount of food consumed is an example of bariatric surgery designed for obese patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater-or between 35 and 40 in cases of patients with certain co morbidities that are known to improve with weight loss, such as sleep apnea, diabetes, osteoarthritis, GERD, Hypertension (high blood pressure), or metabolic syndrome, among others.
The surgical incision of an adjustable gastric band is often referred to as a lap band procedure. First a small incision is made near the belly button. Carbon dioxide gas is introduced into the abdomen to create a work place for the surgeon. A small laparoscopic camera is placed through the incision into the abdomen to create a workspace for the surgeon.
A small pouch is created in the upper part of the stomach with a controlled and adjustable stoma without stapling thus limiting food intake. This is an operation that is performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere between 30 minutes to one hour. The advantages of this surgery are no cutting of the stomach, any stapling of the stomach and thus restricting the amount of food taken.
This is a minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery; it slows the emptying of food inside the stomach. According to research lap band surgery has proved to be an effective long term method of reducing weight for the obese. Studies have also shown that lap band surgery has a lasting impact on weight loss. Weight loss with gastric banding tends to be gradual. You may lose up to two or three pounds a week in the first year after the surgery, but one pound a week is the average. This slows in the 12 to 18 months after your surgery. On average, gastric banding produces a loss of about 40 percent of excess weight in the first year and 55 percent of excess weight in the second year.
Many people who shed massive amounts of weight with Lap-Band or other forms of bariatric surgery find that they are left with hanging fat or flab. Additional post-bariatric body contouring surgeries - such as the arm lift, thigh lift, panniculectomy, bra-line back lift or lower body lift - may be necessary down the road.
This article describes why lap band surgery has proved to be so beneficial for patients.


Simple Living Guide - An Essential Ingredient of Healthy Dieting

It happens to be quite overwhelming nowadays to choose the right diet for ourselves when we start to feel like we need one. There are so many offers out there (diets are obviously a big business) that one can easily feel confused and lost among the loads of information bombarding us via all sorts of media's advertising.
This writing is not a dieting tip and does not recommend a new (or tested) dieting program. I am not here to persuade you how a certain dieting food works great for weight loss dieting, in case of weight-gain caused by hormonal imbalance or even explain what a healthy dieting is.
Personally, I prefer natural methods and natural foods (my ideal is to grow and eat my own home-grown fruits and veggies). But even in the area of more holistically-oriented pursuits, there are different trends, healing methods and philosophies. Luckily, the natural methods don't differ that much and have some basic principles in common.
My gut's feeling tells me that we should learn from the famous physicians and researchers, their studies and experiences with the patients. But at the same time, whatever diet or detox program we decide on, it's best when customized for us and especially - is user-friendly.
Whenever we introduce some drastic changes to our eating habits that better be done under the professional's supervision. The step-by-step changes like staying away from sugar, alcohol or cigarettes (one at the time) are safe to try on your own. However, any support you can get in breaking these kinds of addictions might greatly improve your chances for success.
So, no matter what kind of diet and nutrition you choose for yourself, there's one essential ingredient of every healthy dieting and applies to any kind of dieting: Always listen to your body. Since there is no such thing as universal cure or universal diet, the smart choice would be to use your body as a guide. According to Deepak Chopra, M.D. the Eskimos get rotten teeth, hardening of the arteries and bad tempers if you give them fruits and vegetables (considered the healthiest foods in western societies).
Your body is your best friend, teacher and guide. It keeps "talking" to us using the variety of sensations. It keeps teaching us what's good for us - if only we would listen... Nevertheless, there is one simple, two-step way to start listening (and act accordingly) again:
1. Simply pay attention to how you feel an hour or two after eating a certain food.
2. Observe how you feel in the morning when on a new diet.
Paying attention, listening and observing to what our body is communicating to us is the most reliable way to avoid the dangers of dieting whether you adopt the blood type diet, famous "Shore" one, "Jessica's" or any other. The one rule to follow in decision-making is: select the diet program that is tolerable in your current situation, lifestyle and wellness.
D. Perse is a wellbeing enthusiast. Find out more about healthy weight loss at http://fast-track-to-fat-loss-review.blogspot.com/


Top Weightloss Site Reviewed

There is a new weight loss guide on the market. You may have run across the site promoting "the Fat Burning Machine Hiding Inside You." If not, you are bound to soon.
Is this another "lose a pound a day" scam?
Is this the "real" deal?... or something in between?
On the sales page of the "top weightloss site", the author's two big claims are: "Start burning fat in just 5 days" and "you only need inexpensive foods found at your local grocery."
As a person who has bought nearly every guide on the market... here's my review:
The first thing I always look for in any weight reduction program in whether it focuses on Fat loss rather than weight loss in general...
As you probably know, anyone can reduce their weight by losing muscle or water, which is terrible and detrimental to your body; Weighing less on the scale while still carrying all that blubber around your waist and hips is never a smart choice...
With Fat burning being the Only option, the "Fat Burning Machine" guides you towards achieving that objective...
As for igniting the fat burning process in just 5 days? A well rounded and concise strategy shows you exactly how to do it...
The author offers the only fool-proof method to lose fat I have ever seen... No guess work and no brain strain! Everything is laid out in a clear and precise way: from what to eat, to how and when to eat, with meal plans, diagrams and sample diets...
As a skeptical person, I always put things to the test, so I gave these strategies a go... And to be honest, I had a hard time keeping the smile off my face; Going from 14% bodyfat to 5% and knocking 5 inches off my waist in less than two months was quite unusual for me...
And for someone who has tried virtually every fat loss method, the "Fat Burning Machine Hiding Inside You" was pleasantly surprising...
So my verdict is:
If you're looking for the fastest, most inexpensive and guaranteed way to burn fat, visit the => Top Weightloss Site today and give this program a try. It definitely works...


How To Get Better Grades - Motivate Me To Study

By Lachlan Haynes

Lack of motivation is the most common reason that things don't get done. If you've ever lacked the motivation to do something you know the feeling I'm talking about. The loss of interest, the tiredness, the boredom - it's all related to the feeling that you have "no motivation". But worse still is the feeling that you also don't know what to do about it. But there's no need to fret, it happens to everyone at some point!

Whilst a lack of motivation may not be your biggest challenge personally, it is one of the biggest challenges that students face as they try to find the strength of character to push through high school and College.

When lacking motivation, simple and seemingly innocuous tasks can somehow become huge mountainous challenges. But why?

Motivation is a funny beast. When we have a feeling of "high motivation" we can be virtually unstoppable. Tasks are tackled with relative ease, our energy levels are right up, no problem seems too great, and everything seems to constantly fall into place. The problem is that the opposite is also true. A feeling of "low or no motivation" leads to failure to complete tasks, low energy levels, all problems seem incredibly hard to overcome and everything seems to be going wrong!

As a general rule, most people are operating on the base level of motivation - which is fear of negative consequences. What do I mean by this? Well, we act out of concern about what will happen if we don't act. For example, you may complete your homework because if you don't you will be grounded. You may strive to get an A on your Maths test because if you don't your average will drop which will impact your ability to get into University or College. It's not necessarily a "bad thing" but it's the way we are conditioned to behave.

If there was no deadline and no consequence for not handing a paper in on time, would we ever even hand it in? Would we even start the stinking paper? Would anyone ever do anything they didn't want to do?

Fear of negative consequences (i.e. negative motivation) is important in the world. We need to have rules and social conventions. We need to treat each other with respect. But that doesn't mean you should operate your entire life this way. There is more to life than just constantly doing what everyone wants so that they (and society) will be happy with you. That's not a joyful life experience.

If you want to really find your bliss in life you need to find a way to find the positive reason for why you're doing whatever you're doing (and this doesn't just apply to your schooling - it applies to all areas of life).

Want to find real motivation? Act only out of possibility. Never act out of fear. Act out of the possibility of what may come from doing what you're doing. If you're doing homework, ask yourself what the possibility may be. Is the possibility that you learn something new? Is the possibility that you are smarter than you were before? Is the possibility that you are closer to your ambition of a good grade? Is the possibility that you are one step closer to College? What is your possibility? Every act has a possibility. Find yours and you will have found your true motivation. The power of possibility always crushes the fear of negative consequences - if you harness it correctly.

So the next time you are doing something (anything) ask yourself "Am I acting out of fear, or out of possibility?" You may be very surprised by the answer.

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Self Help Recommendations That Will Make Positive Changes To Lifestyle To The Far better

By Daniel Will

Occasionally, it can be hard to determine which you require for effective personal development. The trick toward efficient self improvement is to uncover the approaches that do the job. All folks are exclusive, and different stuff work for each person. There will always be recommendations, such as these, that can enable you to enhance oneself.

See what is with the way involving the success so you. For a number of people, this is hard to do. Nevertheless, when it is possible to start to see the areas in which you have to enhance, additionally, you will be able to improve them. Provided you can efficiently get rid of several obstructions, you could just visit a more clear route to your potential.

Consider every available opportunity to improve oneself. You must not concern making choices even if you do not sense as certain about this as you would like to be. Once you make your proper choices, you may boost personal development. Even errors are important as they are instructive discovering selections. Completely wrong options make certain that new selections is going to be much better versions.

Read through literature that is focused on self improvement. The best personal development publications can give you new tips and advice that could improve your daily life for a long time. Many personal development guides are improperly published, so pick one which has good critiques.

Place your primary rules into exercise. Every person has morals that offer their primary feeling of self. Should you implement your rules to your daily routine you may feel better about yourself along with the alternatives you will make. Looking after your core base allows for persistence in life and builds excellent persona.

Exercising is for everyone. It is not reserved for individuals who wish to shed weight. There are many purpose you must do physical exercise. Furthermore it keep your body in great shape, but it additionally causes your body to release substances that may enhance your pleasure amounts.

Make each day of your life the most effective that one could. Best your self every day. Try to see on a daily basis as a way to enhance. Attempt to increase on your own every day.

Aim to make each day a little much better than the previous a single. Force yourself to attain expansion that is certainly continuous and unarguable. Make an attempt to improve on your own day-to-day.

Rather than bragging to other people about all your achievements, instead question folks about theirs. This will help you to stay modest whilst giving you a photo of methods individuals surrounding you work.

Understand that many people are distinct, so utilize this article in ways that's secure to suit your needs. Unless you are prepared to locate new software for your understanding, you may never totally meet up with your potential. Reveal the info you learn to help you support other individuals expand also.

About the Author:

Get Inspired By A Motivational Sales Speaker

By Rena Hudson

Assisting people get rid of obstructions through empowerment is what a motivational sales speaker is meant to accomplish. By getting rid of fear to lose to your competitors and lack of confidence one can be able to achieve anything they want. It is for this reason that one needs a little push every now and then that motivates them and reminds them of their dreams and how to achieve them.

Attending motivational speeches is an eye opener to many people especially because of the stories shared; one gets to realize that perseverance is the key feature that turns humble backgrounds in success stories. One may seem to lose focus because of the stiff competition they face, but by persevering, working hard and having the right attitude facilitates the journey towards success.

Given that their critical task is to motivate sales persons, these individuals need to be as realistic as possible in order to inspire their audience. It is not always about sharing success stories in this line of work, but engaging the audiences in a speech that will help them realize their flaws helping them find better ways of succeeding.

As most speakers have said in the past, creativity and having the willingness to take risks is what gets a person to where they want to be. It is the uniqueness that people have that makes them different giving them competitive advantages over their competitors. However, it is for this that one should be willing to take some risks as being unique is not always easy.

This is usually all about guiding people into adopting better management skills so as to facilitate better results. By this, offering ideas is the best way to get people out of their comfort zone, making them try new things that will take them to the point they want to reach. This might be challenging at first especially if things do not work out immediately but with time things will start working out.

As seen in the past, people are mostly inspired by speeches that are from personal experiences; the idea of starting out from a humble background and working hard until one reaches the top is what people usually want to hear. This is the real deal as people can see the prove of the speech given; besides, motivating people to achieve their dream while you yourself has not might seem insulting to the audience as it is not practical.

For one to achieve what they want, it is necessary to have a vision of their dream or at least envision the status you would like to attain in a certain duration. Usually, experience is said to be the best teacher; in other words, people relate more with those that have gone through the same experiences and having made it out, they are convinced that they also have the opportunity to do the same.

Motivating people into following their dreams, helping them recognize their potentials without forgetting their values is what a motivational sales speaker does. While chasing dreams it is easy to forget the values that guide you as a person; moreover, when looking to attain high status in society one ought to know that losing the status can be very easy, and therefore one should also work hard to maintain them.

About the Author:

Yoga Is for the Entire Family

Looking for an activity that will bring the family together, promote health and wellness, and is fun to do? Consider family yoga! No matter your age, yoga can benefit you and improve your lifestyle. More and more gyms and yoga studios are developing programs that focus on the entire family, from the young child to the grandparent.

Children think yoga is cool. The view the performance postures as great fun, much like gymnastics or a game of Twister. However, while they are mastering each posture, they are also developing self-discipline, improving their balance and coordination, and are even bolstering their mental health. Children's natural flexibility makes posturing seem easy. Fostering a love of yoga in your child at a young age is a gift you can give that will behoove them their entire life.

Family yoga benefits teenagers, as well. Help your teen preserve their flexibility through yoga. If your teen plays a sport, yoga can only enhance their performance while staving off injury. Yoga keeps muscles lean and limber, and prevents tearing. Yoga's focus on balance and coordination makes it a great way to improve a number of sports, including tennis, soccer, basketball, and baseball. Even professional football players take up yoga to keep limber and improve their sport. Yoga fosters an innate sense of well-being, so your teen will be more likely to make decisions that will benefit his body and mind.

Family yoga is great for mom and dad. There is no better way to battle the stresses of raising children, balancing work and family, and facing financial and physical struggles than through yoga. Yoga helps fight insomnia, boosts the immune system, and is the best stress-fighter out there. Deep breathing techniques calm and sharpen the mind, so that productivity is enhanced and lethargy is conquered. Men should not be fooled into believing yoga is just for women. Yoga complements weight lifting, and helps to alleviate the stress put on the joints through activities like jogging. It also reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack by lowering stress levels and hormones within the body.

Pregnant women should fully engage in family yoga, making sure their instructor knows, of course, that they are with child! Yoga can help ease the many aches and pains caused by pregnancy, and can also strengthen and stretch the muscles used during labor and delivery, making childbirth an easier, less painful process.

Finally, don't forget that grandma and grandpa can also benefit from family yoga sessions. Yoga restores energy and vitality in those who have been weakened by old age. It increases mobility, fights arthritis, improves circulation, and helps fight off memory loss.
There is most likely no other physical and mental activity that incorporates the entire family as well as yoga does. Keep your family strong, healthy, and happy. Participate in family yoga!
Get your free Yoga video today
Start learning with our beginners Yoga Video series Online to begin a journey that will transform your life. Yoga online will give Access to Free Yoga videos (Online and Down loadable) Hi Definition Yoga DVD s from beginner to advanced. visit our website http://yoga.org.nz for a comprehensive Online Yoga resource and Informational portal.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_M_Bailey


Hypothyroidism Natural Treatment - Tips For Improving Thyroid Health

Hypothyroidism natural treatment options are being sought after by many people affected by hypothyroidism. This is mainly due to the side effects, costs and problems associated with traditional hypothyroidism treatment. In this article we will discuss how hypothyroidism works as well as some small things you can do to improve your overall thyroid health.

Background on hypothyroidism:

Hypothyroidism is a problem where the thyroid gland produces little thyroid hormone. This condition is an outcome of a dysfunction in the thyroid gland. While there are lots of reasons why the thyroid can become impaired, alternative hypothyroidism natural treatment options are showing people new ways to combat hypothyroidism.

How hypothyroidism works:

The thyroid is made up of two connected lobes near the front of the neck. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland control the body's metabolic rate. When the thyroid gland doesn't perform correctly, each and every organ with the entire body may be impacted.
Hypothyroidism (otherwise known as an under-active thyroid) creates a general depression on the cellular systems which are needed for energy manufacturing. An under-active thyroid will cause the metabolic activities in these cells to go down. When this happens, metabolic wastes than filtrate in to the organs and this causes them to become sluggish.

How hypothyroidism affects the body:

Hypothyroidism will make a person constantly feel tired and low on power. As one's metabolic process slows down, weight gain and constipation normally occur. Other indicators of hypothyroidism are fatigue, lack of energy, inability to tolerate chilly temperatures, menstrual irregularities, depression, sluggish reflexes, hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, and puffy eyes.

Hypothyroidism natural treatment suggestions:

What many people fail to realize is that their daily routine could be contributing to their poor thyroid health. Here is a list of some natural adjustments you can make to help combat hypothyroidism.

* Eliminate saturated fats from your diet.

* Reduce or eliminate your soy consumption. Soy is known to depress thyroid performance and can cause an enlargement of your thyroid gland.

* Alkalinize your body. This really is an efficient way of stopping thyroid dysfunction.

* Vitamin B3 has been proven to reduce thyroid hormone levels.

* Women must take into consideration a hormonal balancing plan with progesterone cream to revive a wholesome balance.

* Eat kelp and other sea vegetables that are large in iodine. Iodine is needed for making the thyroid hormone.

* Radishes can help keep thyroid hormones balanced.

* If depression is an issue, try St. John's Wort which is a natural mood elevator.

* Chronic constipation can be alleviated by including additional dietary fiber to your diet plan.

* Consider supplementing with zinc and selenium. Severe zinc or selenium deficiencies can trigger decreased thyroid hormone levels.

* Coconut oil stimulates the thyroid gland and may perhaps help these suffering from hypothyroidism.

In the end, hypothyroidism natural treatment options are becoming more and more popular as people start to educate themselves on how hypothyroidism works. While the suggestions pointed out above are some small things you can do to combat hypothyroidism problems, there are also complete hypothyroidism natural treatment programs available that can produce fantastic results.
Natural Hypothyroidism Treatment Does Exist! Discover how hypothyroidism sufferers are finding real relief WITHOUT side effect ridden drugs and prescriptions.
Visit www.HypothyroidismExposed.com for this information PLUS many more natural hypothyroidism solutions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bradley_Clayton


The Ultimate "Ab Toner" Diet - You Can't Get Abs Without It! Part 2

The Ultimate "Ab Toner Diet" Part 1 started giving you the foundation for your six pack abs diet by telling you the six categories of nutrition, explaining what stomach fat actually is, scientific facts, when to eat, etc. Here we'll continue with what you should know about losing stomach fat, which will be the best shortcut to get six pack abs.

-What should your meal portions be?

First, don't listen to any of these "fad diets" that tell you not to eat carbs, or that protein from meat is out and vegan is in, or any other non-sense like that. The "Ultimate Ab Toner Diet" includes each of the six categories of nutrients listed above in your diet every day.
And as for portions, while some experts recommend portions such as 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat others recommend 60% carbs, 20 protein, 20 fat. I've seen many different portion guidelines and many different opinions when it comes to portion control. There's really no "set in stone" portion guide that every expert agrees on, but as long as each meal includes proteins, carbs and healthy fats and you stay in your calorie range, any portion can work for your "Ab Toner Diet" (But the 1 gram of protein per pound like mentioned above is a great guideline many experts agree on, obviously alter that if you weight 300 lbs or more). Just make sure the food is unprocessed and highly nutrient dense.

-Calorie guidelines to losing stomach fat

To lose body fat, you need to bring down your calorie intake below what would normally be required.
It is a good rule of thumb for your "Ab Toner Diet" that six days out of the week, you actually eat below what your normal calorie intake should be by a couple of hundred calories and on the seventh day literally eat as much as you want, mainly healthy carbs.
So for example, a 190 lbs. male will need 3,000 calories a day. He should take off 750 calories from his daily calorie intake to be able to lose stomach fat. So he would eat 2,250 calories a day. But to prevent your body from thinking you're starving it, which would make you obviously gain fat instead of losing it, you would completely forget about your diet in the 7th day and eat as much as you want in whatever portion size you want. This would actually trick the mind into thinking there's an abundance of food again and it doesn't have to lower your metabolism since it thinks it's no longer starving.

-How many calories should I take?

You can follow these guidelines below:
120lbs and less - 1,800 to 2,000
121 to 189lbs and less - 2,300 to 2,500
190 and more - 2,800 to 3,000
Other ingredients/foods which help you lose stomach fat are:
Cinnamon - controls blood sugar levels and helps to burn fat.
Dark chocolate - just one ounce of dark chocolate is loaded with dozens and dozens of nutrients.

Egg yolks - Contrary to popular belief, the yolk of the egg is the best part. In fact, it's the most nutrient dense and vitamin loaded part of the egg.
Chilli pepper - increases metabolism and helps you burn more calories
Tea - contains substances that promote fat loss
I have seen my share of diet tips and guidelines, a lot of them from some of the most well-known exercise and nutrition programs in the world and I can tell you from experience this is the core foundation for all of them (at least the ones that are written by real experts) Remember to include ab toning workouts with the this ultimate "Ab Toner Diet" and nutrition guide to lose that unwanted stomach fat and get lean ripped abs!
Also, make sure you go to Best Ab Toner Diet to learn the difference between fat burning foods and fat storing foods to get lean, toned abs.
( You can also go to Best Way Get Abs Fast where you can browse through more ab nutrition tips and exercises)
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_M_Rodriguez


Affordable Dental Plans Will Keep You Smiling Bright

People often neglect to go to the dentist as often as they should because they do not carry dental insurance. They may not be offered it through their employer and think they cannot afford it on their own. However, affordable dental care will ensure that you have healthy, beautiful teeth.

Why It's Important

Neglecting your teeth can cause many other serious health problems. Gum disease has been linked to other conditions, including heart disease. In addition, it can lead to decay and tooth loss, which influences your self-confidence as well as your physical health. These are all reasons why it is important to find dental care so you can keep your gums and teeth healthy.
For women who are considering having a baby, it can also affect their child's health if they have problems with their gums or teeth. It can cause it to be more difficult to become pregnant and it can create complications for the person who is pregnant. Gum disease may result in a low birth weight and an early birth. Pregnant women are more susceptible to gum disease because of the change in hormones.

How to Find Affordable Dental Care

While a person can often get dental care added onto the medical policy, they may find other options more affordable. If they are willing to shop around, they may see a disparity between what one company offers in price versus another one. They can search on the internet to look for affordable dental care and learn which insurance companies offer a dental policy. Good alternatives provided by DentalPlans.com and Aetna are good starting points.

Another option is to change the deductible or other benefits to get a lower premium. Instead of having the insurance company pay 100 percent of the regular dental visits, a person may get a lower premium if they are willing to pay a co-pay. If they look for affordable dental care online, a person can often play around with the options until they find something you like.

If a person absolutely cannot find an insurance policy that provides affordable dental care, they should talk to their dentist. If the person will be having a procedure done, the dentist may be willing to work with them to reduce the cost. Some dentists offer an income-based program to help a person afford various treatments.

Another place they can go to find more affordable dental care is a dental school. The school will probably have a clinic where a patient can get routine work done at a less expensive price. This helps the school qualify for grants while providing them with quality care.

Don't assume that if you don't have dental insurance, you can't get quality care. Your teeth are too important to neglect and are an important aspect of your overall health. It pays to look for insurance at an affordable rate, but if that is not possible, look into other alternatives. People often focus on other health care issues and do not give their teeth the attention they need. If you need to find affordable dental care, look around at your options.
MyReviewsNow.net offers information regarding affordable dental plans. For more on dental coverage, please visit us at MyReviewsNow.net.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cookie_Maxwell


Nutrition Requirements of Vegan Athletes

An increasing number of people, including some well-known athletes, choose to eat a vegan diet. Vegans do not consume any animal products. This article examines what nutrients vegan competitors should consider for their optimal health and performance.

Current Research

Very little research has been conducted on the results of vegan or even vegetarian diets for sports participants. In 2010, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of the popular diet book, Eat to Live, published a paper in the journal Current Sports Medicine Reports (Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 233- 241). Dr. Fuhrman argues that vegan athletes who follow nutritarian principles (maximizing micronutrients per calorie) will outperform others. He emphasizes high quality, unrefined plant foods such as vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Athletic Benefits of Vegan Diets

In his paper, Dr. Fuhrman contends that high level athletes compromise their immune systems through hard training, leaving them more susceptible to upper respiratory infections. These infections disrupt their training programs. He believes that following a nutrient rich vegan diet bolsters the athletes' immune systems, reducing their viral infections and loss of training time. Furthermore, Dr. Fuhrman asserts that consuming high-antioxidant plant foods may abate the effects of oxidative stress that occurs from exercising.

Nutrient Supplementation

He then addresses whether specific micronutrients can be adequately acquired in a vegan diet. Regarding calcium and iron, he suggests that sufficient amounts of these nutrients can be found in a thoughtful plant-based diet. Other nutrients may require supplementation, however. These include zinc, iodine, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, which tend to run low in vegans and vegetarians. Vitamin D levels are often deficient, even in the general population. Finally, taurine supplements appear to boost athletic performance and also tend to be lacking in vegans.

Protein Requirements

Athletes require an increased amount of protein to synthesize intramuscular protein and reduce muscle damage from exercise. Yet the actual amount of protein needed daily remains controversial. Dr. Fuhrman's literature review in his article generally cites protein requirements as ranging from about 1.4 to 2 grams protein per kilogram of body weight. Thus, a 150-pound athlete would require from 95 to 136 grams of protein daily.

However, he prefers to cite protein needs in terms of kcals (calories) and protein grams. He offers an example of a 150-pound endurance athlete needing 3600 calories and 120 grams of protein daily. These amounts are based on the person training four hours per day. The vast majority of competitors certainly do not train anywhere near that level. A 150-pound sedentary individual needs only about 55 grams of protein. Extrapolating to a casual recreational athlete, somewhere in the range of 70-100 may be appropriate.


Vegan athletes will benefit from further research into the effects of diet on their athletic performances. In the meantime, Dr. Fuhrman's article offers information to benefit both high-level and more casual competitors. Veganism appears to offer at least some health and performance benefits to athletes. However, a high quality diet is required, not reliance on processed or low nutrient foods. Vegan athletes should benefit from supplementing certain important nutrients.
Maura Sullivan is a vegan athlete and freelance writer based in Bellevue, Washington.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maura_Sullivan


How To Study Effectively And Become A Test Psychic

By Lachlan Haynes

How much easier would life be if we already knew what was going to be on the next test or exam? No more time spent stressing and worrying, no more cramming a year's worth of work into one day of super study and no more sleepless nights.

Well perhaps becoming a test psychic is the answer you have been looking for! By using this method you will be able to predict what questions are going to be on your next test or exam which will give you a much greater chance of doing well. Does this sound like a good solution to you?

Part 1 - Zero In on the Right Data

There is no point studying anything that isn't on the test - but how do you know what will be on the test? Well, it's all about common sense. What do you think will definitely be on the test? What do you think might be on the test? What do you think probably won't be on the test? What do you think definitely won't be on the test? This process of questioning will help you identify that which you need not spend any time worrying about and also that which you should focus on.

We won't make you figure this out alone. Take a look at this list of likely sources:

1. Obviously, the textbook you use will be a great source of information. However, take note of those chapters you just quickly go through (or ignore altogether) and those chapters that you seem to be spending a lot of time on. Hint!

2. If you are given worksheets or homework tasks that are not covered in your text this may be a clue about the importance the teacher places on the topic.

3. If you spend a lot of time in class going over particular areas you can rest assured they will be on the next test or exam. Teachers never waste class time with topics that aren't going to be covered in an assignment, test or exam in some way.

Part 2 - Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

Making friends with the teacher is one your biggest weapons - if executed correctly. Teachers will always reward those who try hard and give their best effort - and also those who are respectful towards them. It is human nature - and teachers are humans remember! (We think)

1. If you've made friends with the teacher then all you have to do is start asking leading questions. "I am really going to focus on this area or that area - what do you think about that?" If the teacher likes you they will help you rather than ignore you.

2. Ask the teacher what format the questions will be in. True/false? Multiple choice? Short answer? Long answer essay style? Combination mix up? Obviously, the way in which a test is structured will impact on the way you study for it and what you need to have down pat. If it's long answer, you need to be ready to write like a maniac. If you know its multiple choice you need to know lots of stacks of facts. Simple really!

3. Get hold of past tests or exams. These are usually invaluable resources - not simply because they show you how hard or easy past tests may have been - but also because they show you the format and structure that have been used in the past and what areas the teachers have focused on. Bonus tip: you don't always need to fall into the trap of going through each question on past test papers, just use them as a guide because it's extremely unlikely the questions on your test will be the same as past tests.

Part 3 - Plan Ahead

1. Create a specific area in your workbook or have a set of notes that you use for listing possible test and exam questions. Every time you hear or see something that you believe may be on the next assessment simply jot it down. This means that you will have created a list of thoughts and ideas that you will be able to easily look over at a later time - often this will contain topics you had forgotten about!

2. Highlight or underline (in pencil if needs be) information in your textbooks that you are pretty almost fairly 100% certain will be tested later. That way, when you skim through your textbook at a later time the most important information has already been identified. This should be done in addition to a mind mapping strategy.

3. Create a study group. This means getting together with a group of buddies (or even people who you think will be able to help you with your study i.e. possibly not your friends!) and brainstorm together possible questions and answers to future tests and exams. Two heads are always better than one. Three are better than two, four are better than three - and so on. The point is, as a study group you will be able to study for more information that one person can alone. So, you may like to all create your own mind maps, notes and questions and answers and then share them with each other (possibly by photocopying the work). This will put you well ahead of those people who do not create study groups and is a very powerful way to quickly become a test psychic.

If you put any or all of these techniques into place you will become a test psychic and be able to predict with great accuracy what is going to be covered on the next test or exam. Don't delay - do it today!

About the Author:

Benefits Of Using Liposome In Administering Drugs

By Rena Hudson

A liposome can be defined as a tiny vesicle, made from the same substance as the cell membrane. In the medical field, it is filled with drugs and is therefore adopted in the delivery of drugs for the treatment of cancer. The use of this technology has increasingly become popular due its benefits. Below are some of the advantages medical researchers say liposomal method of drug delivery can provide.

One of the things that medical researchers have been working on for many years is how to accelerate the effectiveness of drugs administered. The traditional methods that have been adopted in the past make it difficult for the treatments administered to reach their target and create the required healing. This is what the new technology that involves the creation of lipid structures solves and leading pharmaceutical companies are already buying the idea.

With the use of liposomal structures, it becomes easier for antibiotics to penetrate the biofilms and mucus generated by disease-causing bacteria. Most of the bacteria generate the biofilms and mucus for their protection and breaking the barriers is important in treating the disease caused. When the barrier is done away with, the drugs administered are able to reach their intended target. This makes the method a major breakthrough in the medical field.

The use of traditional systems of administering drugs is known for causing increased toxicity to the body, which leads to adverse effects. However, this is not the same thing with liposomal technology as it ensures that treatment is only delivered to the relevant areas. Fewer concentrations of drugs are used and only released to the affected areas as opposed to the large quantities used in traditional methods.

Bacteria that cause diseases do create layers of mucus and biofilms to protect themselves from the treatments administered. This plays a key role in hampering the efforts to deal with the microorganisms and treat the disease caused. However, with the coming of the new technology, the lipid structures adopted have the capability of breaking into the barriers to deliver the drugs. The innovation has been much welcome by many pharmaceutical firms in the industry.

It is also believed that with the ability of the structures to only release their contents near the places affected by disease, chances of adverse reactions are reduced. The lipid components as adopted in this method are similar to the ones existing in the lungs and ensure a more natural metabolism. This is not the case with other delivery systems that are produced from man-made materials.

Liposomal technology has also provides a solution to people suffering from dry skin. It has therefore been adopted as a major ingredient in the manufacturing of cosmetic products by large organizations. The moisture contained in the lipids is released when the structure bursts making the skin hydrated. Patients with skin problems are also advised to look for products containing liposome.

The air is filled with very harmful active agents that can sometimes cause skin infections. It is therefore important to have a protective layer over the skin to act as a barrier against such agents. Liposome is also known to offer such protection apart from mere moistening.

About the Author:

How To Pick The Right Dallas Therapist

By Rena Hudson

Choosing the right therapist may not be an easy decision. The choice you are going to make will be based on experience. If it is the first time you are looking for a counselor, then you are likely to face some challenges. Recent research shows that the outcome of any therapeutic treatment depends on the relationship between the patient and therapist. This means that a patient should form a good relationship with the counselor. When searching for the right Dallas therapist patients can look locally or online.

Building trust with someone is something hard. For trust to be established, you first need to feel comfortable and safe with the person you want to choose. Where trust lacks then the benefits of treatments are compromised. Choosing what you need is something individual. Take your time to find what can make you feel comfortable and safe. Below are several things to look at when choosing a therapist.

Check whether the gender of your counselor matters. Decide whether you need a male or a female therapist. This depends on your perception towards gender. Some people feel comfortable when discussing their personal issues with opposite sex. A male patient may prefer working with female, or the other way round. This will depend on your personal feeling. Choose someone whom you feel free when talking about your personal issues with.

Another important consideration is the age of your counselor. Patients choose therapists of different ages. Choose someone whom you feel free when discussing your problems with. Some patients choose those therapists with the age of above 35 years. The reason they give is that such therapists are mature and can offer parental care. Select someone you can talk to freely without fear.

Consider choosing a licensed therapist. These specialists are licensed to carry out their operations within their states. Make sure the individual is allowed to work in Dallas. Note that only qualified individuals get these licenses. They must be examined before they are issued with the licenses. This shows that all licensed therapists possess the right qualifications.

You should also check the number of years the individual has been treating your illness. This is actually very important because the more years he has been around the more experienced he is. Research shows that there is a strong relationship between the years of experience and perfect treatment. This means you have to select an experienced person if you want to enjoy the treatment benefits.

Choose someone who can handle culture-related problems. Many people suffer from spiritual illnesses that are related to their cultural backgrounds. It is important to look for someone who can handle such kind of problems. The person must be able to offer advice on how to deal with your problems. The specialist should be able to understand you in relation to your culture and values. You can interview your potential specialist to see whether he or she is competent to deal with your specific problem.

Search for a specialist over the Internet. The Internet is actually very resourceful. You can check the credentials online by visiting their profiles. Make sure the person you are selecting is licensed, certified and registered. When searching for the most qualified Dallas therapist patients can look locally or online.

About the Author:

Post-Pregnancy Gifts - Baby Weight and Losing It

As if the pregnancy alone and actual day of birth wasn't enough for us women to go through, the aftermath certainly doesn't seem all that easy or enjoyable either. This isn't saying that bringing a new life into the world is unfavorable, because it is quite an amazing and fulfilling experience. But, the aftereffects of pregnancy, that solely targeted our once sleek womanly images, have assuredly taken the hardest hit.

Post-pregnancy appearance for our womanly bodies is almost always too much to handle. Puns a side, the extra baggage that follows birthing our little bundles of joy is quite unwanted, and even worse, troublesome to get rid of. Baby pouches, extra inches and stretch marks are all that remain, leaving a damper on our spirits and making our physiqued outlooks bleak.
Throwing gloom to the side, part through those dark post-pregnancy clouds and let the light in. Appreciate the gift given to you in all his or her little-sized glory. But also, take comfort in knowing you're not alone in this struggle. Women everywhere have difficulty shedding their baby weight, as it's been a constant battle for years. However, there are maneuvers us women can take to release ourselves from those all too heavy post-pregnancy shackles.

Be Patient, New Mommies:

The worst thing you can do as a new mother is jump into losing weight too quickly. For your body and overall health, rushing into activity is highly detrimental. Heavy exercising and light eating is not on your to do list and is highly inadvisable, both medically and logically.
As a glowing newcomer in the realm of motherhood, your body is out of commission, in a sense. Body parts and bodily functions are not normal for us women within at least 6 months after birth. So, to jump right into a diet, exercise or combined routine of the two is asking for serious health issues and complications.

But, if you're overly anxious to drop your postpartum pounds, in the least, give yourself 8-14 weeks to allow your body to recover. Step back and analyze the situation. You just birthed a child. Your body is no where near ready for vigorous exercise. If anything, partake in some extra, yet easy work while at the office or at home, just to slowly kick start your body's old ways.

Don't Forget You'll Need Energy, So Eat!

Taking post-pregnancy living gingerly and meekly is suggested for new mothers. But more importantly, eating well and regularly after birth is essential. Let's get real. Giving birth itself has left you and your body screaming with exhaustion and now it's time for you to take care of your infant, day and night. Now, more than ever, you need to eat, even more than you normally would. Especially if you're going through the process of breastfeeding, you must eat more calories than usual. Many nonstop days and busy nights are ahead, so prepare your body; eat plenty and eat well.

Exercise When It's Time:

Before you fully recover, try to keep busy between taking care of your newborn. Don't stay sedentary (as if you would with an infant anyway). After giving your body ample time to regain it's pre-pregnant health status - 2 to 3 months, or so - consider more energetic exercise.
But, make sure your body is completely ready and back on a regular menstrual cycle. First and foremost, consult your doctor about initiating an exercise routine as a new mother. He or she will be able to tell if you're physically able to exert yourself and just exactly what you'd be able to handle during an exercise session.

The Pounds Will Leave:

Depending on your individual metabolic rate and body condition after pregnancy, those extra pounds will vary in how fast they come off. On average, pregnant women will gain 30-40 pounds - which differs greatly - while carrying their child. The rate in which this weight is lost will be significantly varied from woman to woman, but usually losing baby weight is a gradual and slow process.

Per week, 1-3 pounds lost is standard. So, factoring in initial weight loss on the day of birth, us women have a decent, yet feasible amount of weight to lose. And realistically, this baby weight loss will take about the amount of time the pregnancy took, 8-9 months. This is all pending on differing pregnancy weight gains, as each individual woman can have a shorter or prolonged baby weight loss period.

Losing this weight as new mothers will take diligence and patience, so hang in there ladies, or should I say, Mommies. Essentially, the pay off is already there; your glorious new born. But, if you stick with staying patient, eating well and exercising when able, you will have your original figure once again.

Ladies, once you're ready to get back into exercising, why not start working those legs back into shape with leg magic? You can buy leg magic [http://www.buylegmagic.com] and start gaining back your sleek physique back in no time.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=E.S._Cromwell

Healthy Dieting Habits

Healthy dieting habits should go hand in hand with any weight loss regimen you undertake. Dieting should be a healthy process, not one that requires you to deprive yourself of vital nutrients such as carbohydrates, essential fats, and calories. For example, you might surely lose weight while following the Atkins diet, but ironically, in the process of trying to lose weight and become healthy, you are eating a very unhealthy diet in the process, by depriving yourself of the essential nutrition found in all the foods that contain carbohydrates. Here are some healthy dieting habits that you should adopt next time you plan to lose weight:

1. Avoid processed foods. Eat organic foods whenever possible. Processed foods contain additives and chemicals that could cause cancer when consumed in excess quantity over time. Organic foods are ones that have not been meddled with in any way.

2. Eat less meat. Particularly avoid red meat.

3. Drink plenty of pure water, at least ten cups every day minimum.

4. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages. These contain sugars, and have a corrosive effect on your teeth.

5. Never eat until you are stuffed. Eat only until you are satisfied.

6. Stop eating at least 3 hours before you go to bed at night.

7. Eat 3 to 4 full, balanced meals every day.

8. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

9. Females should consume at least 25 grams of fiber and men should consume at least 38 grams of fiber every day.

10. Indulge in other forms of junk food and sweet snacks and desserts, such as nuts, beans,

strawberries and watermelons instead of potato chips, cookies, and ice cream for junk food.

11. Get adequate sleep every night.

12. Do not go on a carbohydrate-restrictive diet.

13. Reduce your portion sizes.

14. Eat a variety of foods instead of the same foods every day.

15. Prepare your meals at home whenever possible rather than eating at restaurants.

Do you have a plan [http://www.DietCommando.com] for weight loss [http://www.DietCommando.com] this year?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dawn_Woods


Get Rid Of Love Handles Naturally And Effectively

While many of us look for the magic pill there are many others who understand the basic fundamentals when it comes to losing weight. You know the saying "Easy come easy go". By the very fact that we want something easy implies a certain laziness and disinterest with taking the necessary action in the first place.

I mean why else would you want something to be easy - it's because you do not want to do it in the first place - right? So we avoid it and say it is inconvenient. While many of us pundits stress the importance of exercise we seem to miss the main organ that really needs to get in shape and that is our brain.

A poor attitude will be a solid obstacle that will prevent you from living a fulfilling life. So naturally we need to really address what we are doing on a day to day basis and understand the consequences of our actions.
Now with that out of the way let's talk about how you can achieve effective results. Interval training - this consists of altering your pace while doing a specific cardio exercise. So on the treadmill you begin by walking then speed up to a jog then slow back down to walking. You increase the time intervals every week so that you sustain a higher heart rate for longer periods of time.

Vary your routines do not make it the same all the time as you will easily get bored, challenge yourself and make it interesting. Cardio is essential for overall weight loss. With cardio do weight and resistance training as this really gets your body going. Following this do stretches, crunches and scissor kicks and soon enough you will start to tone your body.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".
Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss. Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benjamin_Wise


Medical Tourism - Top 10 Most Popular Procedures

In January, we completed a study of all our patient inquiries about traveling overseas for surgery and learned that most requests fell into five medical areas: orthopedic, spine, weight loss, cosmetic and coronary. The top 10 procedures within these five areas are:

Orthopedic procedures

1. Knee Replacement

2. Hip Resurfacing

3. Hip Replacement

Spine surgery

4. Disk Fusion

5. Disk Replacement

Weight loss surgery

6. Lap Band surgery

7. Gastric Bypass surgery

Cosmetic and dental surgery

8. A wide range of cosmetic surgeries, generally not covered by U.S. insurance companies, are available abroad.

Heart Surgery

9. Heart Bypass surgery
10.Heart Valve surgery
Our study underscores that the best cases for overseas travel are where:
  1. Need is not immediate. A patient with chest pain must get to an emergency room, not an airport. Patients must obtain fit-to-travel authorization from their doctor.
  2. Savings, in either cost or waiting time, is substantial. With the cost of care in the U.S. skyrocketing and long wait lists for procedures requiring specialists in Canada, the list of patients who will benefit from medical travel will continue to grow. A good medical travel company can quickly provide cost and timeframe estimates for overseas treatment, which patients can then use to compare with their options at home.
  3. Time spent abroad is short. Few people are willing to be away from home and family for extended periods when undergoing a medical procedure. Typically patients consider less than three weeks acceptable.
This list is a guide, not a rulebook; there is plenty of room for deviation. For instance, a liver transplant patient needs to spend more than two months abroad, but still makes a good candidate for medical travel because the cost savings would be more than $300,000, and the waiting time is virtually eliminated, a factor that can translate into the difference between life and death.

Is medical travel right for you?

Finding a reputable company that specializes in helping patients discover their options for medical treatment away from home is the first step in determining if you or someone you know is a good candidate for overseas treatment. Companies like WorldMed Assist help patients evaluate whether overseas travel is a viable option, and if so, provide guidance as to the reputable hospitals and doctors for the procedure. As soon as the patient makes a destination decision, the global health care facilitator can handle the rest: transfer of medical records, conference calls with the surgeon, scheduling, travel and lodging arrangements.

Shifting demographics

The number of medical travelers is growing exponentially each year, and is expected to reach 300,000 this year. Far more interesting than the number of travelers, however, is the shifting demographic over the last decade in who is going abroad, where they're going, and what surgery they're having. Three big swings have emerged:
  1. It's no longer an industry catering primarily to dental and cosmetic surgery
  2. Several developing countries now offer care at least on par with, and often better that that available in the U.S.
  3. It's no longer an option reserved for the wealthy or adventurous.

To learn more about surgery away from home
 Orthopedic Surgery Abroad: [http://www.worldmedassist.com/Orthopedic-Surgery-Abroad.htm]
Spine Surgery Abroad: [http://www.worldmedassist.com/Spine-Surgery-India.htm]
Weight Loss Surgery Abroad: [http://www.worldmedassist.com/Weight-Loss-Surgery-Abroad.htm]
Robbie Neely is Communications Director for WorldMed Assist, experts in medical tourism. WorldMed Assist's mission is to help patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices, coordinating and simplifying every aspect of care and travel. Doctors and hospitals in India, Turkey, Belgium and Mexico are carefully selected to match each client's specific needs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Neely


Make Your Dreams Reality By Following These Personal Development Tips

By Randy Best

Just being able to acknowledge that you want to improve yourself is an important step. Follow these handy tips for ideas to get you started on the self-improvement path.

Stress can greatly interfere with your mood. Stress can take both a physical and an emotional toll on your body. Letting go of stress can be the key to better thinking and meeting our goals with clear purpose and calm intent. Schedule some time every day simply to unwind. Just sit back, let your mind go blank, and think about what's important to you. This time of refreshing can improve your overall peace and self-image.

Check out a few popular books on developmental techniques that you find particularly interesting. A good book can help you find new ways to reach for your goals and improve yourself. Always check serious reviews of a book before you buy it because some books are very poorly written.

Compliment other people. When you focus on the good in others, you will find that they return the favor.

If the quality level of today is 2000, try to make tomorrow's quality level 2001 or higher. Always work towards making improvements. If you did something pretty well yesterday, tell yourself that wasn't enough. You need to do it really well today.

Focus on making your time spent working as productive as possible. To do this, you need to increase the amount of breaks each day. This might seem counterintuitive at first, but taking more breaks actually gives your mind a chance to recover, which improves concentration when you return to work.

Instead of bragging about how many things you've earned in your life, try to ask other people about what they've earned in their life and what they're proud of. This gives you an opportunity to find out the talents and achievements of the people around you, and it might help you gain more respect for others as you learn more about their character.

Instead of bragging about achievements, you should ask others about theirs. You will find that you will learn more about those around you better by doing this. Not only that, you can respect them by knowing more about them.

Make the important aspects of your life the focus of how you live. Your life will be more peaceful, satisfying, and happy if you can stop obsessing over negative or meaningless things and concentrate your energy on what you really care about.

The ability to empathize represents an important step in personal development. If you direct your energy outward to make others' lives better, while temporarily putting your own needs second, you can greatly improve your character. Being able to make sacrifices for others without hurting yourself will help you become the person you want to be.

Always aim to keep self-discipline a priority as you work on bettering yourself. Learn not to give in every time your body craves something that may not be good for it. For example, you may need to overcome the urge to eat more than you should or to refrain from consuming too much alcohol. By having restraint and self-control, you'll have the ability to prevent these harmful habits from harming your body and mind.

Seeing as you are more knowledgeable about personal development, start working on your goals. Remember that personal development is a lifelong effort to improve, and always be open to trying new things that can help you to improve.

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