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While many of us look for the magic pill there are many others who understand the basic fundamentals when it comes to losing weight. You know the saying "Easy come easy go". By the very fact that we want something easy implies a certain laziness and disinterest with taking the necessary action in the first place.

I mean why else would you want something to be easy - it's because you do not want to do it in the first place - right? So we avoid it and say it is inconvenient. While many of us pundits stress the importance of exercise we seem to miss the main organ that really needs to get in shape and that is our brain.

A poor attitude will be a solid obstacle that will prevent you from living a fulfilling life. So naturally we need to really address what we are doing on a day to day basis and understand the consequences of our actions.
Now with that out of the way let's talk about how you can achieve effective results. Interval training - this consists of altering your pace while doing a specific cardio exercise. So on the treadmill you begin by walking then speed up to a jog then slow back down to walking. You increase the time intervals every week so that you sustain a higher heart rate for longer periods of time.

Vary your routines do not make it the same all the time as you will easily get bored, challenge yourself and make it interesting. Cardio is essential for overall weight loss. With cardio do weight and resistance training as this really gets your body going. Following this do stretches, crunches and scissor kicks and soon enough you will start to tone your body.

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