Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment With Hypnotherapy

By David A. Gonzalez

It is very important for the human beings to enjoy life in social companies because they can't survive a segregated lifestyle.What to do when this humane and social spirit deviates from amicability to mistrust, pessimism and a sense of fear.Yes, there are among us, people who develop an abnormal fear of the company of other human beings around him. This disorder has been assigned the title of the Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia or Social Anxiety. It has been estimated, through surveys, that as much as 13.3% of the general population may have experienced this pathogenic condition one time or the other.

And the effects of Social Anxiety Disorder and social phobia can be truly debilitating, if not devastating.Very often physical symptoms accompany this disorder. These can include blushing and sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, stammering and nausea. In acute cases, the person may feel dizzy and as if he or she is about to pass out.

The sufferers of social anxiety disorder can undergo such phenomenon.Social anxiety disorder treatment, therefore, is of paramount import for such sufferers, because if untreated, the disorder may reach the extreme conditions.When this disorder turns extreme patients literally resign to paralyzed condition and eschew social life completely by opting isolated lifestyle. The worst situation comes when such patients start frightening by merely encountering other people. These patients face extreme fatigue in sudden panic attacks. They are overpowered by chronic symptoms including shaking of limbs, minds not working properly, feeling faintness and heart starts palpitating. Although these sufferers wish to avoid persnickety situations and try to control them but fail in it and remain hallucinated from the social gatherings.

Amongst the most common forms are fear of social interaction, fear of dealing with authority figures, fear of public speaking or performing, fear of exams and fear in connection with sexual performance.Very often this disorder has its origins in childhood and infancy.Indeed, the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) estimates that somewhere around 40% of all such phobias begin before the age of 10, and a gigantic 95% before the age of 20. And this appears to be the case, even though the actual symptoms may not become apparent until later on in life.

Left unresolved and untreated, depression can develop and some may turn to alcohol and drugs in order to cope.All too frequently the medical response to social phobia and Social Anxiety Disorder is to simply drug it, often with anti-anxiety medication - particularly favored are drugs from the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor group (SSIRs) such as paroxetine (Paxil or Seroxat).

Behavioural - Behavioural control is another important factor monitored through people sitting around the patient.Medicinal - As panic attacks are chronic and life-threatening and may happen suddenly, panic attack cures are preferred options. Various pharmacological practices are applied in controlling social disorders under thorough pathological investigation.Panic attack cure: Several medicines are practiced these days. These tranquilizers or sedatives help a patient to control troubled mental condition. They offer siesta to the mind. Benzodiazepines are other popular medicines in this category. Buspirone too is used in some cases.

There is another way.You see, the subconscious mind - that repository of beliefs - is simply trying to protect the individual from danger by creating feelings of anxiety and fear so that he or she will be safe from harm. But the subconscious has got it wrong. It is basing its faulty response on previous conditioning that is simply no longer appropriate.

It is rather impossible to comprehend the actual cause of this disorder. Research findings elaborate that numerous factors are involved in it including the genetic and environmental ones. The upcoming studies focus upon its eradication as the actual cases are more than the official assessments.It is not easy to suffer from social phobia. Having the disorder is not only difficult but it can also affect normal living. If you feel shy or self-conscious when facing the public, then you should not automatically worry because this does not mean that you suffer from social phobia or social anxiety disorder treatment. Occasional shyness or nervousness if fine but if they go to great extents and already affects normal life, then you might be suffering from the social phobia disorder. The good thing is that we now have more options laid out in terms of social anxiety disorder treatment. Now, you do not simply have to curb the symptoms using medications nor do you need to drain your finances with therapist sessions.

Social anxiety disorder is where the person becomes extremely anxious, sometimes even stressed when exposed to social situations. It leads to excessive and unreasonable fear when interacting on a social level. The person becomes nervous because of the fear of being watched and judged by the other people present. A person suffers from anxiety when though they are perfectly fine when alone or left in a very small group but becomes extremely anxious in a social situation. People suffering from anxiety realize that the fears are irrational but they still can't help nervous and anxious. It's also known as social phobia.

A person suffers from social anxiety when he is anxious or nervous of being introduced to people, being the centre of attention, having to address a gathering, avoiding eye contact, being impatient when in the presence of people of higher authority and getting embarrassed easily. These are a few of social anxiety symptoms and a person suffering from anxiety disorder exhibits these symptoms in any situation discussed above. Some more profound anxiety symptoms are increase in heart beat, heavy breathing, sweating profusely, stammering, muscles tense up, dry throat, avoiding eye contact, uneasiness, trembling, blushing (red cheeks) and shaking.Social anxiety is the most common and the third most prevalent mental disorder in the United States. Though it may seem like there is nothing one can do about having a social anxiety disorder, there are ways to overcome social phobia by following certain tips and techniques for social anxiety treatment. One part of social phobia treatment is altering your lifestyle, which includes reducing the consumption of caffeine, energy drinks and chocolates which act as stimulants. Also, it is extremely important to control the amount of alcohol one consumes and quit smoking altogether.

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