That life responds to you is an important concept that many fail to ever grasp. For most people it seems like life does things to them and they are there catching. Every so often someone gets lucky and some good things happen, otherwise it just happens. Do you subscribe to that view? If so, it is time to change and get in line with what Rhonda Byrne said.Actually that idea goes back a long way. A fairly recent reference to it is made in The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Wattles wrote the book and it had a little success at the time and then lay dormant for most of the intervening 100 years. Rhonda Byrne was given a copy of the book at a low moment in her life and it was a revelation to her. She turned her failing business and unsuccessful life around and produced The Secret which became a world wide phenomena highlighting the law of attraction and Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich.
Wattles insisted that one must first lose any reservations about getting rich and accept one's right to be rich. He dispels many of the myths about wealth and teaches how it can be used for the good of man, especially when it is the result of creative work rather than competitive work. He insists there is a science of getting rich and that many have discovered its laws. Rich people are not necessarily brilliant - they simply understand the laws of the science of getting rich while poor people do not.He dispels the myth that opportunity has been all snatched up and teaches that for those who observe and are open to what the world had to offer there is a great deal of opportunity. In fact he says that opportunity is unlimited, or limited only by your imagination.
Wallace then sets forth the principles of getting rich. Those principles are:Thought is the only power which can produce tangible wealth from formless substance.Man can form things in his thought and by impressing his thoughts upon formless substance (raw materials) he can cause the things he imagines to be created.A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things.To think what you want is to think truth, regardless of appearance. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.
Wattles then urges the reader to reject the idea that we are dependent upon a deity to accomplish our aims. Here he may leave the devout a bit cold and although one need not accept this aspect of his teaching to benefit from what he says over all it is true that he is stressing the power of the individual mind to change reality. Wattles insists that as long as your intent is harmonious with the universe it will support you and your purpose. That is, as long as you intend no one any harm you will be well served by all of nature in your pursuits. And he stresses the importance of gratitude in one's pursuit of wealth and success.
Recently there has been a lot of chatter online about The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, and some gurus are offering programs that follow the principles outlined in the book, along with a copy of the book as a bonus. I read The Science of Getting Rich a few years ago, but I thought I would read it again with new lens. You have to read this book with an open mind, and the title of the book is often a turnoff for many. The book is not just about becoming wealthy in terms of money; it's about living a fulfilled life and tapping into your true potential. It's what true wealth is about.
While he is didactic and somewhat narrow in his theory and advocacy, insisting for example that the reader read no other works on success or wealth building other than his book, he has a lot to offer the contemplative mind and was truly a pioneer in many areas of self improvement teaching.Wattles wrote in the common style of the early 20th century. He wrote reasonably well but the text tends to be somewhat pedantic. It lacks the outline format of modern nonfiction literature. If you put a bit of effort forth it is well worth it. If you do not want to work at all at reading this may not be for you.
Wallace Delois Wattles was a "New Thought" writer who lived from 1860 to 1911. Wattles tended to write practical articles and books teaching practices he first tested on himself. His writings covered such topics as health, wealth creation, religion, socialism and what we now call "self help".Wallace Wattles practiced and taught a manifestation technique called "creative visualization". According to his daughter Florence,
Hill plunges at once to the values one must foster to get rich which, he says, include self confidence, habit of saving, initiative and leadership, imagination, enthusiasm, self control, getting more than paid for, pleasing personality, accurate thinking, accurate thinking, concentration, cooperation, profiting by failure, and tolerance. He ends with the golden rule. He basically presents the law of success in 16 lessons.
The law of success in 16 lessons is the significant specific difference which may be forwarded as far as these two successful books are concerned. The 16 lessons actually represent the simplification of an otherwise difficult task anyone wanting to succeed in getting rich faces and sometime ends up fearing. Simplification is key to both works by Wattles and Hill. Simplification means making their prescriptions reachable and realistic. Simplification ultimately means success. Simplification means getting rich.In the last analysis, Wattles and Hill therefore are declaring the same basic point. There is nothing complicated in the path to getting rich. Everything is within reach by anyone serious enough to have that desire to get rich shown by the willingness to do something about it. Wallace calls it a science. Hill calls it the law of the mastermind. Both are systematic approaches simple and succinct to follow.
While The Secret makes reference to a universal law called "law of attraction", the term itself is not used anywhere within the text of The Science of Getting Rich. However, there is no doubt that one of the universal laws or truths that Wattles explains in his book is indeed what we now refer to as the law of attraction.As a result of the success of The Secret, there has been a new influx of interest in (and programs based upon) The Science of Getting Rich. As a result, Wallace Wattles' legacy and influence continues to grow.
Wattles insisted that one must first lose any reservations about getting rich and accept one's right to be rich. He dispels many of the myths about wealth and teaches how it can be used for the good of man, especially when it is the result of creative work rather than competitive work. He insists there is a science of getting rich and that many have discovered its laws. Rich people are not necessarily brilliant - they simply understand the laws of the science of getting rich while poor people do not.He dispels the myth that opportunity has been all snatched up and teaches that for those who observe and are open to what the world had to offer there is a great deal of opportunity. In fact he says that opportunity is unlimited, or limited only by your imagination.
Wallace then sets forth the principles of getting rich. Those principles are:Thought is the only power which can produce tangible wealth from formless substance.Man can form things in his thought and by impressing his thoughts upon formless substance (raw materials) he can cause the things he imagines to be created.A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things.To think what you want is to think truth, regardless of appearance. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.
Wattles then urges the reader to reject the idea that we are dependent upon a deity to accomplish our aims. Here he may leave the devout a bit cold and although one need not accept this aspect of his teaching to benefit from what he says over all it is true that he is stressing the power of the individual mind to change reality. Wattles insists that as long as your intent is harmonious with the universe it will support you and your purpose. That is, as long as you intend no one any harm you will be well served by all of nature in your pursuits. And he stresses the importance of gratitude in one's pursuit of wealth and success.
Recently there has been a lot of chatter online about The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, and some gurus are offering programs that follow the principles outlined in the book, along with a copy of the book as a bonus. I read The Science of Getting Rich a few years ago, but I thought I would read it again with new lens. You have to read this book with an open mind, and the title of the book is often a turnoff for many. The book is not just about becoming wealthy in terms of money; it's about living a fulfilled life and tapping into your true potential. It's what true wealth is about.
While he is didactic and somewhat narrow in his theory and advocacy, insisting for example that the reader read no other works on success or wealth building other than his book, he has a lot to offer the contemplative mind and was truly a pioneer in many areas of self improvement teaching.Wattles wrote in the common style of the early 20th century. He wrote reasonably well but the text tends to be somewhat pedantic. It lacks the outline format of modern nonfiction literature. If you put a bit of effort forth it is well worth it. If you do not want to work at all at reading this may not be for you.
Wallace Delois Wattles was a "New Thought" writer who lived from 1860 to 1911. Wattles tended to write practical articles and books teaching practices he first tested on himself. His writings covered such topics as health, wealth creation, religion, socialism and what we now call "self help".Wallace Wattles practiced and taught a manifestation technique called "creative visualization". According to his daughter Florence,
Hill plunges at once to the values one must foster to get rich which, he says, include self confidence, habit of saving, initiative and leadership, imagination, enthusiasm, self control, getting more than paid for, pleasing personality, accurate thinking, accurate thinking, concentration, cooperation, profiting by failure, and tolerance. He ends with the golden rule. He basically presents the law of success in 16 lessons.
The law of success in 16 lessons is the significant specific difference which may be forwarded as far as these two successful books are concerned. The 16 lessons actually represent the simplification of an otherwise difficult task anyone wanting to succeed in getting rich faces and sometime ends up fearing. Simplification is key to both works by Wattles and Hill. Simplification means making their prescriptions reachable and realistic. Simplification ultimately means success. Simplification means getting rich.In the last analysis, Wattles and Hill therefore are declaring the same basic point. There is nothing complicated in the path to getting rich. Everything is within reach by anyone serious enough to have that desire to get rich shown by the willingness to do something about it. Wallace calls it a science. Hill calls it the law of the mastermind. Both are systematic approaches simple and succinct to follow.
While The Secret makes reference to a universal law called "law of attraction", the term itself is not used anywhere within the text of The Science of Getting Rich. However, there is no doubt that one of the universal laws or truths that Wattles explains in his book is indeed what we now refer to as the law of attraction.As a result of the success of The Secret, there has been a new influx of interest in (and programs based upon) The Science of Getting Rich. As a result, Wallace Wattles' legacy and influence continues to grow.
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