10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite Starting Today

If you are trying to get rid of cellulite, then you know that it is an arduous and painstaking task. Some may even say that its close to impossible to get rid of it. While cellulite is an unfortunate fact for most women, there are ways to rid yourself of the cellulite blues.

In general, cellulite worsens with age because connective tissue and elasticity weakens with age and thus exposes those fat cells in the form of cellulite. It is also noted that women lose approximately 5 lbs of muscle per decade and this loss of muscle is replaced with 14 lbs of lard.

While muscle is nice and firm, fat is completely opposite. Muscle does not put stress on your connective tissues underlying the skin tissues. Fat does however. It will expose itself and worsen your cellulite considerably.
So, what the heck can you do to get rid of cellulite? Listen up ladies (and men?), here are the top 10 ways to get rid of cellulite.

1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Our bodies are made up of water. It only makes sense to replenish and rehydrate ourselves with what our body is made of.
2. Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine. Not only will it dehydrate you, but drinking alcohol will add lots of fat cells, which you don't want.

3. Eat lots of fiber. Make sure you are meeting your daily minimum. Keeping your colon clear and clean is extremely important.

4. Stop eating processed foods and foods saturated with fat. Start a diet and stick with it. This alone will keep your weight from ballooning out of control, and you will have a firm and tone body. Stay away from refined flour, sugar, and hydrogenated fats. They are foreign to your body and cannot be digested and will end up being stored as fat.

5. Keep your weight proportionate to your height. Check an online scale.

6. Stop smoking. Cells need oxygen to breathe and if you smoke, you are clearly suffocating them. Getting rid of cellulite will be near impossible if you smoke.

7. Do not take or experiment with street drugs or abuse prescription medication. Enough said.

8. Exercise regularly. If need be, find an exercise partner to keep you motivated.

9. Get weekly massages. Massage will help firm, tighten, and tone your body.

10. Apply lotions and creams that have been proven to work.

If you just do 2-3 of these ideas, then you will begin to see that getting rid of cellulite can become easy. Stick with it and don't give up. You could start seeing results very quickly.
Jessica Daniels is the owner of many websites that cover skincare issues. She has tested numerous skincare products and has found only a few that work as originally stated. She is most noted for her reviews on revitol cellulite cream [http://www.revitolcreams.com]. How To Get Rid Of Cellulite [http://revitolcreams.com/revitol-cellulite-cream-review] is easy once you know the secrets.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Daniels

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