Newly Published Christian Books For Spiritual Growth

By Amanda Baird

Pray for wisdom and understanding before reading newly published Christian books. Find truth by following the instructions of 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to "Test all things; hold fast what is good". Look up the scriptures quoted in your reading materials, read preceding and following verses to be sure you understand the context, and read related scriptures. Learning about the church, spirituality, truth, morality, history, and life stories of other believers, keeps readers on the path to spiritual growth and a meaningful faith walk. Reading serves to educate, inspire, and encourage.

The best selling book of all time is the Holy Bible. It's published in several different translations but all translations start with ancient scrolls in Greek and Hebrew. Most Bibles printed today include study guides and topical articles. Students will also find in-depth study aids written for every book of the Bible.

Fiction stories may focus on a biblical story or historical times, expanding the scene and dialogue to give readers the feel for the times and the emotional context. Other fiction focuses on modern life, with fictional characters and stories that will resonate with the readers lives, problems, dreams, and concerns. Some fiction is allegorical, using symbolic figures, actions, or representations to present truth, in other words, a modern day parable.

If you're a new believer your focus should be an overview of scripture. Then you might want to read about everyday life - what it means to live life as a follower of Jesus. Evangelism guides expound on ways all of us can spread the gospel. Historical collections explain the background of biblical times and the history of the church. Biographies give a glimpse into the lives of the great teachers, preachers, evangelists, as well as the martyrs of the faith.

A devotional is an excellent way to keep your focus on God. It's been said that "The family that prays together stays together". You can find 365 day devotionals, 30 day editions, advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter booklets, devotional journals, teen devotionals, and kids devotionals. Use these resources to guide your family in biblical study and meditation. Use a devotional to start and end your day with prayer and meditation on the word of God.

For an in-depth look at scripture, check the theology section to find study materials on biblical interpretation. Study the questions and interpretations that define, unite, and sometimes divide the church. A study of the reasons to believe as well as philosophical discourse in defense of faith is called apologetics.

Newly published Christian books can be found at bookstores and retail outlets, large and small, Christian and secular. They're also available at many online wholesale and retail outlets. Many churches have lending libraries, as does most every town and city.

How do you choose which newly published Christian books to read first? A good starting place is a church study group. Christian magazines and newsletters will have reviews, recommendations, and advertisements for reading materials. Or start with a book written by your favorite pastor, teacher, TV or radio evangelist. Look online for lists of top sellers. Newly published works are often advertised and displayed prominently in larger bookstores.

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