The Science Of Getting Rich, I Have My Vision Now What?

By Ayman de Meijer

If you are working through "The Science of Getting Rich," Then you start with a vision that encompasses all of your senses. If you stop there you just engage in wishful thinking. So what is next? The formula is in this simple quote from the book: By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.Hold this idea as you practice the ideas from the book and you will activate the law of attraction. Here are the next two steps: Continue to nurture the vision: "Hold the faith and purpose of increase," Wattles says, in the book. Don't allow your thoughts to slide back on circumstance or on anything but your vision, your compelling future. If contrary thoughts creep in you must replace them with thoughts of your future.

Some find it helpful to use words like: "cancel, cancel" as many times as necessary to cancel those conflicting thoughts. Cancel conflicting thoughts, then bring your focus back again to the vision that you have established. It is necessary to keep your mind in the NOW. Record the ideas that come from the visions.

He states: "Put poverty behind you, and put all that pertains to it behind you." Being rich, Wattles believes, is the best way anyone can truly help the poor.The Law of Gratitude is an important component of The Science of Getting Rich. Wattles strongly asserts that, even if we are following all other laws, failing to be thankful will keep us stuck in poverty.In other words, if I constantly focus on the negative things happening around me, I "loose ground" and continue to attract more negative things into my life. The concept of gratitude took me a while to grasp, but it is key!Focus on everything that is currently right in your life and thank God, the Universe, or, as Wattles calls it "Intelligent Substance". It doesn't really matter what you call it, just be thankful!To attract what you desire in live you must have a very clear picture of what it is you want, hold onto it in your mind and always be thankful!Meagan Gagnon lives in Ottawa the capital of Canada with her dog Moxy. A fan of the Law of Attraction, she is still trying to figure out how to get it to work,

Consistent, practiced thought will trigger a natural unfolding of people, resources, opportunities and actions that serve to bring your creation into reality. Essentially, when you practise the science of getting rich process according to Wattles formula, you are triggering the Universe to begin conspiring in your favor... almost as if by magic. You will get rich and achieve what you want in the exact proportion to which you have successfully maintained true to the creative process. The more consistently true you are to the practising science, the more effective and powerfully the science will work for you. The less consistent you are, the less consistent your results.

"The Science of Getting Rich" is a call to action. Actions of the soul, actions that are natural, and actions that are a part of you. Work yes, but work that is out of you, work that brings you to your dreams and not just work done for money or for someone else; rather it is the kind of work that will bring you joy and your good result."The Science of Getting Rich" is a call to action. Whether you have read "The Science of Getting Rich" or not I invite you to experience it in a new way. Experience it as delivered and interpreted by Bob Proctor with some help from Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield.

Too many cooks have spoilt this broth and we have all gorged on this 'self-help motivational' banquet but in the end we just got mentally fatter rather than intellectually fitter. We got too much information and we got paralysed! We tried everything and got nowhere. We baked a cake that had a bit of Tony Robbins, a hint of Jack Canfield and Bob Procter all drizzled with generous amounts of Rhonda Byrne. The cake was a failure, it didn't rise, it was half-baked! Sound familiar? Know what I mean?

Really, we just need and want the critical basics, the fundamentals, the nuts and bolts. Whether you're the butcher, the baker or the candlestick maker, you just want the information for making money, wealth and riches in it's most easy to understand and effective form. Do you agree? Wallace Wattles has written a book that is, in my opinion, the most basic, refreshingly blunt, almost brutal and completely undiplomatic expose' of the mechanics for creating personal wealth and success.

Next take each of the 17 chapters of The Science of Getting Rich and create specific suggestions to make those chapters come alive in you. Chapter 1 is called "The Right To Be Rich." It is the perfect place to formulate suggestions to overcome any negative feelings that you might have about money or your right to have a lot of money. Your suggestion might be, "I have a right to be rich, I choose to be wealthy." You can use this as an affirmation, repeated to yourself in a waking state or you might relax yourself and say it under hypnosis for an even greater effect. Maximum results can be had by using the suggestion under both conditions.

Chapter 2 is called, "There Is A Science of Getting Rich." In this chapter we learn that getting rich is achieved by doing things in a "certain way." Our suggestion reinforces this in our mind causing us to embrace the belief and make it our own. And further, we need not have material wealth to achieve wealth; we need only do things in a "certain way." This becomes real as we reinforce it using affirmations and hypnosis.So we continue through the book creating affirmations and suggestions for each chapter to make the book a part of our very being so that we don't just approach it with head knowledge but with a deep understanding because it has become a part of us. Success follows this simple method as you move from chapter to chapter enhancing the words and their effects on your being. You will naturally be happy, naturally be positive, naturally be thankful and this is at the core of applying the law of attraction.

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