The Law Of Attraction And Leveraging Negative Thoughts

By Andrew Tatiana

The general premise of the Law of Attraction is to think good, positive thoughts about how you want your life to be and eventually your life will become what you think about. While all of this is well and good, how many of us can truly say that we are able to continually be positive and optimistic on a regular basis. Some of us simply aren't created this way. Does this mean that we are doomed to live a life based upon our negative thoughts and fears?

Negative thoughts are going to come. We are all human, after all. Some of us tend to have a more negative personality. Some of us are simply filled with more fears than others. Not all of us are brave and positive about the direction our life is moving. We have fears about everything. Even the idea of becoming wealthy might fill you with fear. What if your friends and family secretly become jealousy because you're wealthy? What if you change because of wealth? We might even have fears and negative thoughts surrounding success in many aspects of our life that are holding us back. What can we do with these fears and worries? Is it possible to use these fears to help us achieve our goals with the help of the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction states that any thought backed by strong emotions can become manifested in our reality very quickly. For most people, this strong emotion is desire, passion, love or some other positive emotion. It is also true that thoughts backed by fear, which is a very powerful emotion, can come true very quickly. You may have seen this happen in your own life or the life of those around you. As they focus on avoiding something terrible in their life, that very things that they fear comes true. That picture in your mind filled with worry often comes true more quickly than something simple that you might try to manifest using positive thoughts and emotions. The universe and the Law of Attraction don't understand positive and negative. All they know is that you have a thought backed by some very powerful emotions.

Now, what if you could recreate that kind of scenario in your life but use those negative emotions to bring the things you want into your life. What if you could turn fear in your favor and use worry to make your dreams come true. While being positive and thinking optimistic thoughts about your future might be your goal, if you are struggling with negative thoughts, why not bend those thoughts to help you instead of hurt you?

For example, perhaps you have an elusive goal of falling in love. Maybe you have someone in mind or it could be that your dream is simply that someone wonderful comes into your life and falls in love with you. You want this to happen but history has shown that relationships end poorly for you. In the back of your mind there is constant doubt or fear that you'll be hurt or rejected. This fear becomes so overwhelming that you become emotional and frustrated with trying to have pleasant thoughts about this dream of falling in love.

To turn these negative thoughts in your favor you could create a frightening scenario where the person that you love falls in love with you but you're not ready. Maybe your living situation isn't what you wish it would be. Perhaps you are afraid that once the relationship is in full swing that you won't have time for yourself. Maybe you could worry about the financial ramifications of a romantic relationship and the frustration that might occur if you were in a relationship. Use these fears and worries to put emotion behind your thoughts. Allow those powerful negative emotions to cloud the actual goal so your aren't worrying about the goal so much as the collateral damage that will occur when your dream does become reality.

While it might be your goal to manifest the life of your dreams by visualizing everything working out as you might like, struggling with negative thoughts is no fun. You can still spend time each day visualizing your dreams and working on vision boards but when those negative thoughts invade your mind, try to use them to your advantage for a change. Use everything in your power to bring the changes that you desire. Instead of struggling or beating yourself up for being fearful or doubtful, turn the tables on fear and leverage it to your advantage for a change.

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