San Jose Thyroid Doctor Helps Patients Tired Of Feeling "run Down"

By Elke Hermann

Perhaps you have almost no energy most days and it is almost impossible to drag yourself out of bed. This can make life extremely difficult, especially if you have a family to take care of. Your problems could be a thyroid gland that is under-active (hypothyroidism) and a San Jose thyroid doctor that practices functional or natural medicine, may be able to help you.

If you believe that your tiredness is hypothyroidism, you could pay a visit to your doctor. Many physicians rely on specific blood tests to see if everything is OK. However, these tests do not always point to hypothyroidism. In fact, you could be given medication or therapy that does not help much with the problem.

Many cases of hypothyroidism are caused by the body's defense cells attacking the thyroid gland. This is called an autoimmune problem, and that is also the reason for diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Standard therapies suppress one's immune function, and this can make the problem go away (for now).

A suppressed immune system leaves one open to infection and many types of diseases. It can make it very difficult to fight off something as simple as cold or flu virus. Holistic therapy for autoimmune disorders is designed to strengthen the body's defenses so the problem can be corrected.

Some autoimmune conditions are caused by the gut. Your digestive system must operate smoothly or waste begins to back up and this can create a host of problems. When elimination is slowed, toxins build up in the colon. Harmful bacteria may enter, making you ill and this overworks your body's defense system. All of this can spell trouble with the human immune response.

When the thyroid is not functioning properly, the first reaction may be to address it with medication. However, many problems affect this important gland, but are rooted somewhere else in the body. Functional medicine directs therapy at the actual cause of the problem so it can be eliminated naturally, and it may not return.

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