Information On Spiritual Experiences With God

By Iva Cannon

Being closer to God is not something that you can do overnight. It would take a large portion of your time and commitment and that is a fact that you would have to keep in mind whenever you feel like He has abandoned you. So, follow the steps below for you to achieve the spiritual peace that you are seeking for.

First of all, you need to pray in a place where in it will be just you and your God. Spiritual experiences with God are not like plays where in the whole world has to see them. As long as you feel that you are already connected to Him, then that will be the time that you can start pouring your heart out.

Second, you would need to remain humble as much as possible. Yes, you are slightly obliged to keep up with the reputation that you have already built but then, you would have to learn to remain simple when you are with your God. Do not brag about everything that you have done in His name.

Third, confess your sins and repent for them. This is a package that cannot be broken apart. If you will only take the Sacrament of confession for the sake of it, then you are not doing your part in your redemption. You will eventually get back to the life of sin since you will not feel guilty about your past actions.

You would need to be closer to the people whom you are going to Church with. Remember that you are not His only child. If you want to be in line with the mission that you have given to yourself, then you would have to accept the fact that you would be needing all the assistance that you can get.

You have to consider Him in everything that you do. Forget about the people that you have to impress in the world that you are living in. Make sure that your God will be happy with your actions first. It is His approval that will give you an assurance that you will be in Heaven in the end.

You would need to talk to your minister. Talk about the things that are preventing you from being closer to Him. Yes, you are not close with this person but that does not mean that the two of you cannot build a good relationship in time. That is what you have to put in your mind when you are starting to have doubts again.

If you seem to have all the time in the world, then it will be best for you to be in Bible meetings everyday. Human as you are, you need something that will guide you and that is where the Bible will come in. It will give you the strength to resist temptations for you to continue pleasing your Father.

Overall, you just need to realize that there is a Greater Power that is governing your life. You may not understand everything but soon you would. Just continue seeking His approval.

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