Say Goodbye To The Quantum Leap Of Change

By Evan Sanders

The secret of change is to focus everything on creating what you can in the present, and letting yourself slip out of the past and the future.

How can you do this?

First, I'm not talking about those simple changes that we can all make. I'm talking about the hard-hitting type of changes where you want to make tectonic shifts with your life. That type of change takes a completely different approach than what we are currently using. The change that lasts forever takes a methodology that spans over a lifetime.

If you let your mind wander around in the past you will be stuck forever and if you let it travel into the future too often it will never come back. Both the past and the future can be equally as dangerous in keeping your mind out of the present moment. While it's fun to go there in our minds, we have to reel them back in time after time to be able to act right now.

The journey towards making long-lasting changes in your life isn't a simple and straight path. It's incredibly windy and it will take everything you have to commit to it. True transformations will challenge you, ask the best from you, and if you are anything short of 100% committed to your life they won't happen. Maybe that's why a vast majority of the New Years Resolutions fail?

So what can we do?

The plan for change is not as hard as you would imagine. In fact, it's incredible easy. Ready? Decide that you are going to focus on one thing a day to improve your life and do it. Elevate one aspect of your life every single day and you wouldn't believe what could happen to your life over the course of a year, two years, five years and so on.

Start the journey of change right now, one step at a time.

Do it now.

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