The Importance Of Triathlon Training

By Ann Watson

Athletics is a very interesting sport to watch. During competition, people may take part in different events. The rewards offered to the winners are really encouraging and many athletes around the world are living comfortable lives after receiving these rewards. In triathlon the participants compete in around three sports which are swimming, running and also the cycling. Triathlon Training is very important to the participants because are able to endure the fatigue that that is experiences when competing.

The initial event performed during the competition is swimming. It is mainly done in open waters like the lakes and the rivers. These are usually deep and therefore good skills are very important. The swim suits are the best type of clothing to put in during the sport so as to ensure one tolerates the varying temperatures. They help and contribute greatly to the buoyancy and therefore one can float with fewer difficulties.

The next event performed is the cycling. The participants are required to cycle for a distance which has been determined. Always ensure that the bicycle is in good condition before the competition day. Install the pedals that are clip less for maximum cycling. It is important to carry drinking water in a bottle.

In many cases the running part in most cases determines the winner of this type of the game. It is usually done lastly when many are exhausted after both swimming and the cycling. When commencing to train develop the speed with which you are comfortable throughout the distance. Having done that then you can start trying to increase the speed. It is also very important to observe the diet carefully during the training period.

At times one is required to run long distances therefore enough training helps the muscle to develop the required power. This helps one run long distances without getting tired easily. With this kind of experience one is likely to win the race. Training also increases the muscle concentration within the body. This make one develop resistance to injuries because the high density formed within the body protects the weaker parts of the body including the joints.

Appropriate preparation enables one to develop a better form of body. This causes upright posture which enables one to compete favorably therefore increasing the chances of winning the race. The fatigue that comes about as result of doing a strenuous activity is brought about by the breakdown of the muscles. Too many fibers that are as a result of too much exercise prolongs the period required to break them down.

Good results in completion do not only occur as a result of strong muscles but also on how efficient the job is done. Training increases the efficiency therefore increasing the chances of winning the race. The materials the one must have during the day of competition are, swim suit, bicycle, clip less pedals, water bottle, cycling short, a nice pair of running shoes and the goggles.

Resting period should be included in the in the training schedule, so as to enhance the efficiency. Like after meals it is very important to rest to provide the enough time for the digestion to take place. A good participant should be mentally prepared before the day of the competition

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