Fortune Telling Or Entertainment In Tarot

By Barbara Adams

If you have ever participated in those online personality quizzes, you might have been boggled on how much it accurately depicted you or your circumstances. However, it would sometimes do to go out of the virtual and engage in the traditional. You might be interested to know about and do tarot san diego.

Some adherents see it as a true blue form of divination, but there are yet others who perceive it more conservatively. Even when it does not bode meaning into anyones present and future, it is still seen as a nifty way by which one can tap on his own inner wisdom and intuition. Its not necessarily fortune telling per se, but it can still hold up a mirror to your life, giving you insight on hidden truths, thoughts, and feelings.

In some places, it is still being engaged in as a card game, without the occult symbolism at all. Its use in divination supposedly started out at around the eighteenth century, with the cards used for games and divination being distinct from each other. However, there are still commonalities in the two. For example, both have four suits, which have fourteen dockets each, the extraneous one being the Knight.

In other practices, the incipient procedure is even more formal and elaborate. After the shuffling, the tarot reader then lays out the deck in a spread pattern. It is the position of the cards in this spread in which meaning will be divined. The Celtic Cross is the most popular pattern used, although that varies with readers.

The second one is, you might have guessed, the lesser secrets. This one makes up the remaining fifty six cards. There are fourteen cards in each suit, with ten that are numbered. The other four are court cards, composite of the King, Queen, Jack, and the Knight. In the traditional Italian, however, these are swords, coins, cups, and batons. And in postmodern ones, the baton is replaced with wands, staves, or rods. The coins suit, on the other hand, is alternatively called disks or pentacles.

The danger with tarot reading and other paranormal or occult engagements is that they tend to be taken seriously. Some believe that there is a universal energy of sorts that know and sympathize with their day to day struggles, and similarly knows the solutions for it. However, everyone should spot the inconsistencies with this line of thinking, since it can lead to dangerous, imprudent, and non recommendable actions.

As it is, it can be treated as some sort of pastime or even entertainment. Something to tell and discuss with your friends. Of course, you can still extol about the power and mystery, and wonder why such an arbitrary shuffling had been able to tell much about you and even point out your blind spots. After all, that is what makes this enterprise fun.

In the end, it all boils down to the subconscious. Even psychology has quite credible position on this. According to respectable scientists like Carl Jung, the guiding forces of the universe, which we humanly perceive as coincidences, can be taken as signs that will make us more insightful about the workings of life and the solutions to our problems. This is usually referred to as the principle of synchronicity.

In the end, all these occult symbolisms should not be taken ultra seriously. There is no trouble in following them to a certain extent so long as their offered so called guidance is practicable, prudent, and reasonable. They may help you reflect and introspect, and guide you to delve in your subconscious and ponder on certain potentially problematic things more deeply.

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