Tips On Obtaining Enough Vitamin D To Deal With Seasonal Depression NY Residents Encounter

By Anthony Howard

SAD stands for seasonal affective disorder. It's a form of depression that is rampant during times of the year when the days are shorter and nights are longer. Mental health professionals say that it can be blamed on numerous causative factors like unhealthy eating, severe stress and body clock disturbance. However, it appears like the number one culprit is lack of vitamin D provided by the sun. The good news is it's very much possible for you to boost your supply of the said nutrient in order to effectively manage seasonal depression NY local residents tend to experience in winter.

Spend more time outside the home. Even on a cloudy day, UV rays given off by the sun can still be enjoyed. It's for this reason why it is a good idea for anyone who is experiencing SAD to regularly step foot outside his or her home. However, between 10 am and 4 pm everyone is encouraged to dodge the sun or apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on exposed areas of the body to fend off sunburns, premature aging signs and skin cancer.

Engage in activities you love right next to a window. Staying near a window that permits sunlight inside your home is a great idea. Spend the time doing certain things that can help lift your mood. For instance, you may video call a loved one or check out funny video clips on the internet.

Switch on a light therapy box. Due to the fact that it also emits UV rays just like the sun, the installation of a light therapy box at home is a fantastic idea. This device makes it possible for a person to obtain the mood-stabilizing nutrient even at night. However, extended use of a light therapy box may cause issues such as sunburns, headaches and eye strain. In order to fend off problems, one must carefully follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Add vitamin D-rich foods to the diet. The sun is not the only source of the much-needed vitamin. It can also be obtained from tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and many other oily fish types. Egg yolks, beef liver and chicken liver supply it as well.

Purchase food products that are fortified with it. Nowadays, there are lots of consumables that are fortified with the vitamin. Orange juice and soy milk are some of the best examples. So many manufacturers of breakfast cereals also fortify their goods with the nutrient.

Take it in the form of supplement. Do not worry if you feel that your diet isn't giving you enough of the nutrient capable of boosting your mood. That's because you may simply take it in supplement form. Cod liver oil is an excellent example. Especially if you have a known medical condition, ask your doctor if taking supplements is fine.

Seek the help of an expert. A person who fails to obtain a lifted mood even after taking the necessary steps is encouraged to step foot inside the office of a mental health authority. Severe cases of SAD usually warrant the intake of medications in order to keep it from worsening and also fend off its complications.

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