The Linden Method: What Is It?

By Gatha Cardoso Carvalho

A large majority of people suffering from occasional panic attacks or generalized panic or anxiety disorder, would never dream of seeking professional help. Many of them either do not understand what is happening to them and might even be afraid that they are suffering from a serious mental condition or they feel that their case is so unique and hopeless that nobody would be able to help them.

During this time, usually after an anxiety attack episode, I would read as much as I could on cognitive behavioral therapy and similar techniques. One night while reading book reviews on amazon, I came across a book by a fellow Charles Linden. He had created a small book called the Linden Method -The Anxiety And Panic Attack Solution. Like many of the other resources I was studying, I had just stumbled upon this book and gave it a go.

The Panic Away method deals with panic attacks fast and directly. It is famous for its "One-Move" technique which helps you stop a panic attack as soon as you feel the first symptoms rising. It actually promises to teach you how to stop a panic attack in less than 21 seconds and to end your anxiety in general, in less than 7 minutes. In Panic Away you shall be taught how to take control of your mind and challenge the source of your fear by actually asking your panic attack to strike full-force. You give it just 20 seconds to do whatever you fear it is able to do. You ask it to be as destructive as it can be...for 20 seconds. You persuade yourself that if it cannot do the worst possible in that time span, then it cannot really harm you in any way! The realization that giving your panic attack full freedom to destroy you results in.nothing, leads you to accepting that your fear of panic attacks is unfounded and by no longer fearing the occurrence of the next panic attack, you actually break the vicious cycle of fear, the "anxiety loop" as Joe Barry calls it, so you should stop experiencing panic attacks in the future. Panic Away does not question the cause of your panic attacks, it teaches you how to control the symptoms and effectively manage your fear so that you can permanently eliminate their re-occurrence.

Before even finishing the book I started trying some of the strategies. I found things like the deep breathing immensely helpful, and the coping statements helped me focus my mind. After putting the teaching of the Linden Method to work, I have to reluctantly say that it is extremely effective. In my own excitement I decided to tell everyone about it. I shared my story in an online forum and before long the word go out.

This treatment works for all anxiety related conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, panic attacks and depression. This method is also used even by the people not really suffering from anxiety attacks. But they use it anyway because it helps them find ways to relax and worry less. It is based on simple psychology and works by resetting the mind to its original anxiety level. It does not only treat the symptoms but targets the main source of the problem.

The Linden Method reviews enumerate few characteristic advantages of the treatment. This can be done in the comfort of the home without the fear of their situation being publicly known. The steps given to achieve recovery are concise, clear and simple. Using this helps people have control over their condition and not the therapies or medicines taking over them.

Tina Campbell has been panic attack free since began combining the Linden Method with cognitive behavioral therapy. She now runs an informational website with articles, video's and tips on how to use the Linden Method to beat panic attacks. For all this and more, be sure to check out the Linden Method Reviews web page at

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